$10 Magic Donation Wizard


L7D $10 Magic Donation Wizard… raise the “Quantity” using the up arrow ^ to become increasingly philanthropic — and receive additional fantastic online services from our nonprofit ISP…

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Our Magic $10 Donation WidgetNow Available for Only $9.99!*

Our Magic Donation Widget surrounds you with philanthropic magic and net-savviness that makes you feel increasingly wonderful every time to click the tiny ^ next to Quantity. Not only do you become resplendent with generousity, but also, in many cases, you will suddenly realize how much smarter and more interesting to talk to that you’ve become as a result of donationg to our nonprofit ISP and getting all sorts of great online services as a thank you for your support. And that’s every time you click the UP arrow ^ to increase the value of your donation. This $10 Donor-Wily_Warlock-and-Wise_Witch-grade donation plan provides you with a slew (yes, a slew) of wonderful Online Hosting Service Benefits for 1 Year plus our Semieternal Thanks and other goodies we’re working on (including wearable goodies). You’ll also receive a lifecycle subscription to Hearty Handshake Magazine, delivered randomly directly into your preferred hand once per fiscal year. Along with all of the privacy protections we can reasonably provide as we develop our service platform, some restrictions and limitations may apply and Hearty Handshake Magazine is only available in specific and very very tiny virtual locations.


* includes a $0.01 fabulousity fee.

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Author: Dav

Chief Electricity Officer at Level Seven Digital labs (ISP) at CryuptoRights (501c3)